
Stayed at a Haunted Airdbnb! – Bethany’s Home Sweet Haunted Home

Join Keith Weldon from Chill Seekers Paranormal Research Co. and Sari from BASS Paranormal as they spend the night at the haunted Airbnb, Bethany’s Home Sweet Haunted Home, in Jackson, CA! This historic home, located on Main Street, is known for its paranormal activity, and we captured some intriguing EVP recordings during our stay. Using a variety of ghost hunting tools like the Necrometer, Necrophonic, Transcend Theory, Spiritus, and EVP Shifter apps, we were able to make direct contact with spirits. We were invited to this special Christmas ghost hunting event, but now we’re asking: should we return for a more thorough investigation?

#paranormalinvestigation #necrophonic #chillseekers #ghosthunting #hauntedhouse